Ice cream sundae at Ice Scream Sunday.

So I don't think I could have another scoop of ice cream. I found so many boxes and had so much ice cream and had a so much fun. And it barely rained like it was supposed to. What a great day. Billy, Elijah and I traveled down to Carlisle Massachusetts for Ice Scream Sunday Gathering. The boys had a grand time searching for letterboxes inside and out. There was so many people there. IT WAS CRAZY!
Junior Ice Scream Sunday (6) - Carlisle, MA - F172
Bandaid (PT) - F173
One Cool Chick - Carlisle, MA - F174
Summer Cone - Carlisle, MA - F175
Ice Scream Social - Carlisle, MA - F176
Name That Flavor - Carlisle, MA - F177
The Scream - Carlisle, MA - F178
Louisville Slugger - Carlisle, MA - F179
Ozma of OZ - Carlisle, MA - F180
Whipped Cream, Nuts, and a Cherry on That? - Carlisle, MA - F181
Spammerman (PT) - F182
Poisen Ivy Cootie - Carlisle, MA - F183
Happy Boxing 2006 - Carlisle, MA - F184
Box O' Sox - Carlisle, MA - F185
The Laughing Cow - Carlisle, MA - F186
Hello My Name Is... - Carlisle, MA - F187
The Boch Circus (4) - Carlisle, MA - F191
Guest From Hell - Carlisle, MA - F192
Ice Cream Stand - Carlisle, MA - F193
Ice Cream Social - Carlisle, MA - F194
Hillbilly Cootie - Carlisle, MA - F195
The Altered Book (3) - Carlisle, MA - F198
Tea Box Gathering '06 - Carlisle, MA - F199
Rootbeer Float - Carlisle, MA - F200
Another Scoop Please - Carlisle, MA - F201
Squirt the Moose - Carlisle, MA - F202
Cherry on Top - Carlisle, MA - F203
Sunday Sundae - Carlisle, MA - F204
I Like Ice Cream Too! - Carlisle, MA - F205
Milk and Bones - Carlisle, MA - F206
Drips - Carlisle, MA - F207
Banana Split Anyone? - Carlisle, MA - 208
Crack This Oyster - Carlisle, MA - F209
Game Over, MAN! (PT) - F210
Kid ICARUS (PT) - F211
Bob & Karen's PT (PT) - F212
"Dippers" Birthday Cladaugh (HH) - Carlisle, MA - F213
I Love Art (HH) - Billerica, MA - F214
The Matrix : Blue Pill (HH) - Billerica, MA - F215
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