Project White Sands - A Success!

Well, I have to say, I didn't think that this was going to be so awesome. 3 days before the clean-up, I had only 6 people coming. Then I recieved a phone call from a girl from the local school. She said 10-15 people will be coming from the school. Well, not everyone came but there was still a dozen or more people that showed up. I have never been happier. I just need to thank everyone that came to help out. Uneksia, GreenthunbNH, Fibrohugs, Little Man, Little Lady, Wimpy, and of course Rubaduc. Thanks again. Project White Sands was a huge success. I thank you, Pembroke thanks you, and the state of New Hampshire thanks you. Rock on in the granite state.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
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