Pennsylvania Invasion!

Well o.k.! So our little list of LB's we were going to get on the way to Pennsylvania didn't work out. I knew there was another reason I hated NYC. First being the Yankess. Second being the TRAFFIC! Kinda put a hamper on the whole Alien stoppng in every state leading to PA. I did manage to stop at the NH, MA, and CT boxes though. Didn't see anyone, but it was cool though. But once we got through the madness of NYC and even more in NJ, we took a detour into Baltimore. Home of my beloved Orioles who really don't play well enough to be beloved anymore, but I'll stick with them anyway. So we hung out there before finally heading to French Creek State Park, to set up tent.
The next day we did some swimming before meeting up with those who were to stop the alien invasion. Cyclonic, Lightnin' Bug, Tony Tony Chopper, Janila and Lil' Milkmonster of Team Little Dog, Sheba and Death Moose, Indigo Vulture, Mizscalet, and Brandy, Your a Fine Girl,

Later that evening, we roasted some marshmallows and burned others, before heading to bed. Around midnight, I was waken by someting outside our tent. Now with all this talk about aliens, I was freaked out. We had 2 coolers and 1 shut tight and the other latched. We hadn't latched that one before heading to bed. Of course I had no idea what it was. Was it an alien? I kept hearing the cover open and close several times. I lied there hoping it would just go away. Then a bright idea came to me. I grabbed my car keys which happen to be in the tent with us, oh the boys were sleeping through the whole thing, remote started the car, and watched the shadow of a racoon take off up the tree next to our tent. I let the car run for about 5 minutes before turning it off. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't want to go outside yet, so after I turned the car off with the remote, I listened for a couple

So after a heck of a night, we started out for Hershey Park. Stopped by for some Intercourse first, I mean, the town of Intercourse. Amish Country. Oh the boys got a kick out of the Amish and thier buggies. I had some explaining to do. They were getting a bit frustrated when they would wave at them and they wouldn't wave back. So I explained on the way to Hershey Park. Once we arrived at the park, the fun began. Or atleast a little bit of fun. You see Elijah is a bit small for some of the rides. ALL the rides Billy wanted to ride. It kinda made it hard for all of us to have fun, but we made due. T'wards the end of our stay at the park, we made it a goal to get pitures with all the Hershey characters. We only found 3. Oh well. So we headed back to camp after.
After a beautiful weekend, with no rain, of course it had to rain while we packed up. And it

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