The date was, June 10th, 2006. Jim was invited to a blind date. Little did he know, that is was a blind date to the prom. Jim said that when he found out he was going to the prom, he was so excited. He didn't get a chance to go to his prom, because he was ill. So he got a second chance. The girl he went with was his friends girlfriends sisters bestfriends cousin. They all went to school together at South High School, in Fargo North Dakota. The night of the prom, Jim still hadn't met his prom date. He mentioned being real nervous. It wasn't until he went to go pick her up at her house, that he met her. He said he was standing at her door and when the door opened, she was standing there. She had this blank stare in her eyes. And then she screamed. To make a long story short, when they got to the dance, she distanced herself from him. She barely paid any attention to him. He was to short. Apparently, she was embarrassed about his height. Dancing with him was out of the question. If you carefully look at the picture above, you should easily notice which one is Jim's date. Well, Jim did have lots of punch at the prom and did get home in time to watch some Game Show Network at 9pm. Lets just say he wasn't invited to the after party. It's o.k. Jim needed the rest because he was heading out early for Motorcycle Week at Weirs Beach, New Hampshire. Hmmmmm, this could be interesting.
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