And the best part of the day wasn't boxing!

Hmmmm, how do I say this without sounding like my adventures in letterboxing were not fun. Well, let me tell you. On my way out to Portsmouth, I happen to be traveling on Route 4 and saw a turtle on the side of the road. Now I am not one to pass up a chance to take a picture, so I pulled over. Well, just as I was getting out of the car, the turtle started to head into the road. I began to run for the turtle and got there in time to get him to safer grounds. He than stuck around and stared at me and bolted for the hills. Then I had a bit of trouble boxing. Some of the boxes I searched for, were hard to find or not there at all. Either way, it was a good day. The only thing that would have made it better, is if the sun came out.
Wagon on the Hill - Durham, NH - F244
Prescott Park - Portsmouth, NH - F245
The Weight of Water - Portsmouth, NH - F246
Forest Oasis (3 of 3) - Portsmouth, NH - F249
Have Your Cake - Carlisle, NH - F250
Portsmouth Alarm
planted in Portsmouth, NH
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