This Memorial Day Weekend, Jim sent me a picture of him in Boulder Colorado, for Boulder Days. He said he had never seen so may boulders before in his life. There was this race in the center of town called Boulder Dash. The idea of the race was to run from the center of town to a huge hill in the park about a few blocks away, and roll down it like a boulder. Jim signed up for the race and was very excited to be involved in such a awesome race. He had always rolled down the hill at his home when he was a child. Mom didn't like it much, because she was the one who did the laundry. Oh well, but anyways, the race started and Jim was somewhere in the middle of the pack, when someone said his shoe laces were untied. Just as he looked down, he tripped on them. Jim banged his knee on the ground but was O.K. He tied his shoes and continued on. Well things got a bit worse. He made it to the hill and proceeded to ball up and roll down the hill. Now Jim hadn't seen this hill before now. Did I tell you it was Boulder Days in Boulder Colorado, and the race Jim was in was called Boulder Dash. Well if you haven't figured it out yet, there were boulders all down this hill. Jim never finished the race. He had to go to the hospital for cuts and bruises. Don't worry, because Jim is O.K. He has since been released from the hospital and is doing better. He did have fun, but Jim looks forward to being in Texas somewhere next week. Somewhere where there is no boulders.
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