4 of 5 Isn't Bad!

So I happen to be showing my lazy side now. It has been 2 days since I went boxing and you would think that i would have be so excited about my good news. On sunday, I went boxing in New London, to look for "The Granite State Series". Now I don't ever remember these boxes showing up in my emails, but nonetheless, i went out to look for this series. 4 boxes and all 4 boxes were first finds. While I was looking for these boxes, I also found a fox, a deer, a turtle, and lots of frogs. 1 was so kind as to let me get close enough for a picture. After my stay in the woods, I went to (oh ya I can't say) to look for "Darjeeling". Well when I got there, I thought I was the first finder. I read the logbook wrong. So, 4 0f 5 really isn't bad at all.
The Granite State Series (4) - New London, NH - F257
Darjeeling - Mystery, NH - F258
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