Even the rain can't stop us

Ok, so it wasn't raining that hard, but it was still raining. Yet again, we are to visit Auburn, NH for some fun by Lake Massabesic. The Series of boxes called "Under the Sea" took us through some mud and brush, but neither could stop us from finding all 6 boxes. This series is nicely done by New Hampshire's own Monkey Girl. She takes everyone through the woods and gives everyone the time of their lives. I suggest everyone visit her boxes before they are gone. They do seem to go missing often, causing another one of her series "Glamour Garden" to be pulled. Vandals are to be blamed for that series to be pulled.
After we got out of dodge, we headed to the Amoskeag Fishways in Manchester, NH to find "Have you ever seen a fish go up a ladder?" by skier4444. This is another well placed stamp, bringing us to a place we didn't know existed. We didn't go in the fishway to see fish today. We were a bit limited on time. But we did get to find the box.
So a little rain never hurt anyone. Carrying an umbrella never did either.
Under the Sea (6) - Auburn, NH - F318
Have you ever seen a fish go up a ladder? - Manchester, NH - F319
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