Desperately Seeking a Shovel!

Alright, where do I begin. Hmmm. Well, everything started early Saturday morning, the day of Desperately Seeking Sun Gathering. Early, like 3 in the morning early. I had no problem getting up that early, but the boys on the other hand.... So we were off for New York. The trip out there was rather boring so I won't bore you to death.
New York, New York. Where in the heck did you go? I had to get out the shovel in the back of my car to find you. What we found after that was a wonderland of Letterboxers and well, more snow. Brewerton was so nice and the Arrowhead lodge the gathering was located at was so awesome. We all went inside and the fun began. Now before we all went in, i told the boys about cooties and how they should avoid them at all cost. Cooties were to be bad. Well it only took about 15 minutes for some Cain of CathCainGwen to get the both of them hooked on those little cooties. Running around they did the whole time planting cooties on people. Then of course, Cain planting them on my too! You can't take your eyes off of any of those kids, because they were all doing it! It was madness!
After sometime inside, we had now decided to venture outside into the snow. Um, well, back at home we have a foot of snow. Finding letterboxes in New Hampshire is quite easy in a foot of snow! Finding boxes in 4 feet, well, you try it! We started to look for our first box, Flaky Box - SB. We showed up and Buggylou, Phynstar and Sahalie had the box already. They gave it to us and I started to stamp it in, only to notice that they couldn't start the thier van. I finished with the stamp and I jumped the van as Buggylou put the box back. What a way to start the day. Our second search wasn't quite as interesting. Well, ok. I was kidding. We went out to look for Flaky Box - TM. We were the first ones out to look for this box and we really didn't have any luck. The only thing we found was a stream and more snow. Come to find out later, we passed the spot where the box was and crossed the stream we weren't supposed to. It never said to cross the stream. I had no idea there was a stream there until i was in it. And then Billy went in it because he wasn't paying attention to me.
Back to the Lodge we went. A few lonely NH boxers with no luck. We stayed inside and collected all the boxes in there. 1o Demented Valentines, Battlefield Betty, My Favorite Flavors, and Two Flaky Characters. There were more, but oh well. The food there was so good. Everyone should be commended for the awesome food there was.
We decided to head out again one last time before we leave for the after party. At our first box, we met up with Scout, Eagle Eye and Maggie. We found Flaky Box - SS. Then we were handed Flaky Box - TF. We put it back and headed to find some more. Now the fun began again. Our next box, we ran across Buggylou and crew again as they were searching for a box. The boys went to help them find the box and I went to look for a box not yet found. Flaky Box - OM was a first find, not to hard to get to, and Flaky Box -SF, which was found by Buggylou and crew, was rather easy to find too. As we were finishing up, along came Scout and her crew. She talked about a box that seemed impossible to find. I was cold and wet already, so what the heck. We left that group to search for Flaky Box - EW. Back in the deep snow and really had no luck. Scout and Eagle Eye had met back up with us at this spot. Eagle Eye and I were in the snow digging for this box. It was around here. I think an hour went by and finally, FINALLY, the box was found. We stamped in and I thought we were done. We were convinced to look for 2 more boxes. We went to go find Flaky Box - WS and Flaky Box -DD. More running trough 4 feet of
snow. We all found it, even Phoenix was there too! More help to find a box. SWEET!
Finally we were done searching for boxes. Now for the after event. Desperately Seekin Suds. This was held at a cute little pub/bar type place. There were a lot less people there which was nice. We could finally talk about the time we spent out look for boxes and what-not. We had lots of fun, but we were ready for some sleep.
The next morning came and we had to leave. There was just enough time for us to grab a quick breakfast and for Scout and Maggie to Cootie us. Sneaky! Now for the 6 hour ride back home. It was kinda boring until I ran out of windshield washer fluid and then got pulled over for speeding. I couldn't leave NY without a gift from the state. Oh well.
BIG props goes out to Lock Wench for everything she does for letterboxing. She is an awesome person and she deserves a whole bunch of credit. We can't wait for next year. We are already signed up for Desperately Seeking Sun 2008. Oh the fun!
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