Escape From LA! That's Louisiana of Course!
So, I have to say that I thought this was going to be an event free vacation from home. Well almost. So My trip to Louisiana started out just fine. Until I got there and it was almost as cold
as it was when I left New Hampshire. It still seemed warmer to me, but my brother was freezing. He picked me up at the airport and we headed to lunch at the San Francisco Grill, at the Louisiana Boardwalk. Man that was good. Better than what they had on the plane.
The next day, we didn't do much because I wasn't feeling well and my brother was tired. We hung out at his place until later, when I was to meet some local letterboxers at a local coffee shop. I met up with An Elusive Butterfly, The Purple Ladybug, with her daughter and husband. They were some awesome folk from the south. We talked for an hour and a half. I think the coffee shop wanted to kick us out. They had no business since I showed up at 6:30. Oh well.

The next day came, and we headed off to Arlington Texas for a Rangers, Red Sox game. On the way, I saw something I never thought I would ever see in Texas. You see, there was something white falling from the sky. Gosh Darn it all! It was SNOW! I just can't get away from the stuff. Thankfully, it didn't collect on the ground and after a brief flurry, it was over. The drive to Arlington, seemed long, but we made it in good time. Stopped at the hotel first, then headed to the ballpark. It was now colder, than when we left in the morning. Once again, my brother was freezing. My hands were my only issue. Yes they were cold. After standing in line for a bout a hour and a half, we finally got to go into the stadium. We headed to our seats, which were the the 2nd to last row at the top of the stadium. They were high up, but I thought we had the best
seats in the house. The game was a record cold at game time (38 degrees), loud, and sorry Red Sox fans, they lost.

The following day was Easter Sunday, and we headed back home in LA. I cooked my brother dinner and we watched some movies. It was then my throat started to become sore. It was mostly from the screaming at the game, but it soon would become more.
The next morning, all was lost. It was now clear that I was getting sick. A cough had set in and my vacation started to turn for the worst. Today though, I have to say we went out to lunch at Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. This place is known for thier 1 pound cheeseburgers. If you can eat a 1 pound cheeseburger, they take your picture and put it on the wall. Oh ya! I did it! I could of had another on too! Unfortunately, all I would have gotten for that burger, is another picture. Later we went to go see the movie 300. Rather impressed. Great movie.

Finally, the day for searching and planting of letterboxes came. We headed to C. Bickham Dickson Park in Shreveport in search for 2 boxes there, and to plant 1 of my own. The park was so beautiful. After I planted my box, we left to look for a missing box of mine. We didn't find it. So i planted a replacement. They went looking for 2 more boxes, only to come up empty handed. After that, we traveled north to Blanchard, to plant 2 boxes I adopted. It was nice to replant boxes that I had adopted. Mulligan Madness happened to be the first plant by Inspector Gager. I was honored to plant that box again. You know as the night went on, it got a little warmer out and I was starting to get a little itchy.

The next morning, I found out why I was itchy. Poison Ivy. It had nothing to do with being hot. But it had everything to do with a very interesting day to come. Time to head to the airport and fly home. News of a storm in the Northeast has been brought to my attention. It should be fine, I suppose. I flew from Shreveport to Houston, TX and headed to my next flight to Boston. I get to the gate and the flight is on time. 5 minutes later, the flight was delayed 15 minutes. I head off for some food, and when I got back everyone was gone. It seems that we were moved to another gate. I get there to find out the flight was delayed an hour now. Well atleast I had time to eat my food. We finally get on the plane and hear that we are delayed another 20 minutes, which actually was 45. After all those delays though, we managed to make it to Boston only an hour late. But I still got home at 3am. And I had to be at work at 10am.
Now I need a vacation from my vacation. And oh no! What is this I hear! ANOTHER STORM IS COMING!
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