To Grandmother's House We Go!

Our first stop was at RAIL TRAIL BIKE in Nashua, NH. This is quite a different spot then I have seen. There was lots of houses going up around the box, but if the box had been put back where it belonged, it wouldn't have been in pieces. We did find the box, oh and now that i remember, it had a HH in it, called Christmas Cheer Wreath. Looks like it may have come from South Carolina and got stuck in Nashua. Well I have it now. Anyway, back to the box. When we found it, it was a mess. We found it in pieces, hidden where it shouldn't be, so we did what we do best and then rehid it back where it belonged.
Our second stop brought us to Bolton, MA. Here we were going to look for 2 boxes, Lime Kiln and Bolton Quarry. Well, we were 50/50 on this one. We searched for Bolton Quarry, but was unable to find it. We looked under the slab of granite like it said, and nothing. On a brighter note, we did find Lime Kiln. We had never seen anything like it before. the Quarries that were in the area, were nothing like we had seen. They were not like the huge ones you may have seen on T.V. They were just dug out of the hills, leaving craters behind which are now filled with small ponds of life. Elijah had a hard time seeing the frog i found before it jumped into the pond, but he did see it.
We were going to find at least 5 more boxes before finally arriving at my Grandmother's house, but we decided on a series of 3 boxes, to be our last stop. Lenny's Favorite Phrase was in Dayville, CT. This box was located at Owen Bell Park. It was a beautiful park that you can see from I-395. There were ball fields, a pond, and a playground for the kids. The trails located in the back, where the boxes are, are twisty and a bit confusing at first, but once you figure out where you are going, you will have no problem like we did. After finding all 3 boxes, we stopped for some pictures of the geese in the pond. They were very photogenic. Or maybe they were hungry.
The sun was hot and we where now heading for some shelter at Grandma's house. We made dinner for her, chatted a bit, cleaned all her dishes for her, said our goodbyes, and headed home. Sarah asks "How long does it take for us to get home?" I told her that it takes about an hour and a half. When we got home, she says "Sure it takes that long!" This was 2 and a half hours later.
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