Now you would think, that after a weekend of rain, I would get my butt outside and do some letterboxing. But, I find myself carving stamps for the 2nd Annual Plant-A-Letterboxing Day. I have been carving for quite sometime now. Actually since the winter began. I have a tin full of stamps and no home for them YET! Just to give you an idea of what is coming for the state of NH, I have a series of 13 stamps called "Animal Cracker Zoo." There is "W_nn_ B_y _ v_w_l?" "Polly Puffer Fish", "A Frog Out of Water," "The Evolution of the Blue Spider," "Beauty Within," "My First Flight - 2007 Edition," and the introduction to "The New Hampshire Tour Bus." Oh this is going to be fun. Of course, i'm going to have to figure out how I will be able to plant all these as well as work 6 hours. I have 3 days to figure this out. Can I do it?
hi! i'm so sorry, i didn't know i had to set it up to email me when people post comments to my blog (i'm a blogging newbie) so i just found your request for doyle. jacks emailed me yesterday and he's getting ready to head out to her. BUT, you can certainly have him next! he'd love to visit NH. in fact, i'm a bit envious of him ;)
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