What a Beautiful Day!

We left for the White Mountians, here in beautiful New Hampshire. I had a whole list of boxes in the mountians to look for. I wish I was able to find them all. Driving up there wasn't a problem. Just a straight shot up I-93 to Lincoln. We headed to Beaver Pond in Woodsville first to look for a box, and thats when reality set in. Box #1 wasn't a success. Now it is not to say it wasn't there, it was the fact that I had to carry Levi around through the woods. He is heavy and my back wasn't ready to do all that carrying yet. I abandoned the search for that box and decided to enjoy the view there.

Heading back towards Lincoln, I skimmed the clues I had printed down, just to make sure that the other boxes were not going to be as hard on my back. They were stroller friendly. A few were able to be grabbed by jumping out of the car.
The first box we found was Indian Head in Lincoln. I always love visiting the stone indian. They have a observation tower you can climb, but they were painting it today, so we couldn't go up it. I probably wouldn't go up it seeing I would have to carry Levi the whole way up, and down. Next, we continued to head north for Boise Rock. Just a huge boulder really. It sits in a valley of much bigger boulders. Just look up and you

Levi had decided that we were done. He feel asleep. I wanted to do atleast 1 more, but it had already been a long day for the both of us. So we headed home. I couldn't have asked for a better day. Actually.........
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