So I know it is Tuesday, but they say it is better late than never, I suppose. But nonetheless, my weekend started on Fridy, which usually doesn't happen. Oh and I guess I should warn you, I may only mention letterboxing once or twice.
Friday, I had to head up to North Conway for rehearsal for my Fathers wedding on Saturday. You have no idea how hard it was to not want to point out every location that had a letterbox. I do it everytime we head north. My wife always tells me that I said that the last time we headed north. So anyway, we were up in North Conway for the rehearsal and that went just fine. After that we went to Madison, letterbox there (sorry), for the reheasal dinner. It consisted of a crappy band and crappy pizza. This dinner wasn't supposed to be anything special, being the real meal was to come after the wedding. But we all made due with what was given to us. Besides, we were not there for the food and entertainment.

The next morning, after breakfast, we all went swimming. My Dad had gone out kayaking the lake and then came to swim with us for a little while. After some swimming, I thought that kayaking sounded fun, so we headed out to the lake. By this time, it had started to sprinkle a little. Nothing to really scare us from kayaking or anything. We started off onto the lake and it was a nice little journey across the lake, atleast until the sky opened up on us and the sky sounded angry. We turned around and started back. The rain came down harder and harder, the rumble of thunder got louder and louder, and it seemed like it was taking forever to get back to shore. But we did though, and no sooner did we make it back to shore, did the loudest rumble of thunder sound. Luckly the weather let up and we all got ready for the wedding. It was back up in North Conway in a nice little church. Everything went just as planned. My dad and his fiance, now married. To make the story shorter, the reception was nice too! Except for the crappy music that played again. Long story!
Sunday came and the weather was kinda the same way, but not until later in the afternoon. Of course, that was a good thing. The 2nd Annual Project White Sands needed good weather to be

as big as a hit as last year. Well, I think the threat of bad weather took a toll on those who were going to come. The only people that came were the Pembroke Con Com, and The Wildcats. We did get a lot cleaned up, but it could have been a bit easier with more hands. I give lots of props to Dave of The Wildcats for doing a lot of the heavy work. Here here! They came up all the way from Mass to support my cause. Thanks guys for coming.
So in closing, I did no letterboxing, but it sounds like next week, I'm having a field day!
ah well, we can't letterbox every weekend, but we can try! hope this weekend works out better for you (as far as LBing goes) I hope to be boxing this weekend too.
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