OK, so maybe your saying to yourself, this picture I just posted isn't really that funny! But in all reality, I think I would rather being doing something like this, then being so time consumed with my gathering I am trying to pull off. My gathering "
New Hampshire New Year 2008" is my first ever hosted gathering. I didn't realize there was so much involved in hosting a gather. Over the past few days, I have carved 5 stamps and have been emailing about the same number of people about stamps to carve for my gather.
Letterboxers from all over the country were generous
enough to carve for my gathering. I have never seen such kindness. And on top of things, others have donated some things for raffle to help offset the cost. I am still looking for a few more things to raffle off if anyone is interested in sending me something. You can email me directly at
Gingerbreadjunk@yahoo.com if interested.
So with my gathering closing in, I hope that by the first week in December, I can start heading out and planting boxes. The I need to write out the clues and print them out for everyone to have. It is my hope that with 2 weeks left before the gather, I will have nothing much to worry about. Unlikely, but I can dream right?
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