It would seem that we all can take at sometimes for granted, how lucky we are to have a middle finger. I mean come on now! If nobody had a middle finger, would there be no gestures we could make with our fingers that would piss others off? Would people start choosing a different finger to piss others off? Now some of you might wonder what I am getting at. I mean besides, I don't usually get pissed off about much of anything that doesn't have anything do to with letterboxing, but you will have to bare with me. By the end of my rant, I will have mentioned something about letterboxing!
It all started on Tuesday. I had gotten out of work at 4pm and was heading home. I had to get ready for a softball game later that evening. On my way home, I had to get some gas and as I pulled up to the entrance to the station, some girl was wanting to pull out, but hogged the whole entrance to the station so I was stuck in the road waiting for her to move. I made gesture like "what are you doing?" She looked at me and flipped the bird like I was the one that did something wrong. The nerve! I couldn't believe what had just happened. I got the finger for doing nothing wrong at all! Ahhhhhhhh! I got gas and paid and started to head home again, but

not before encountering a women speeding into the same station lot, almost hitting my car. She gave me a dirty look like I had did something wrong and flipped the bird too! This was starting to upset me! I mean come on now! The worst of it came when after the softball game, I had to return to work and pay for a pizza I took home earlier. I was traveling down the road which was double lanes. I couldn't pass 1 car so I had to pull in behind that car, but there was another car coming up on us and apparently the women driver and her boyfriend didn't like the fact I used my blinker and pulled in front of them with plenty or room to spare. Do I need to tell you what happened next. I will tell you, it was accompanied by a horn blowing and tailgating. The boyfriend was waving his hands out the window, trying to get me to move or something. None of which I was contemplating. With that car still behind me, we came to a intersection with a red light. Ready for this? Boyfriend sticks his head out the window and starts calling me "f****t"! More middle fingers flew as the light turned green and I sat there now trying to figure out what just happened. He just called me the "F" word! I didn't want have anything to do with these guys now. They had really pissed me off now. If they had done anything else, I could have snapped. And I did.
As I pulled up to the light I had turn turn off on, The car was creeping beside my car and I hear "I just spit on your car you f****t!" I headed towards the turn and made a U-turn, sat at the

light, the light turned green for them and I pulled out behind them. Trash was now being thrown at me and more middle fingers. My intention at this point was to scare the women driver. With exception of the middle finger and the horn blowing at the beginning, she hadn't really done anything else. So I decided to ride her rear bumper. I also looked really pissed. I backed off some and just as the turn came up that I could take, I sped up and acted like I was going to ram her bumper, slammed on my brakes (there was no one behind me), and turned off down a road. I was now shaking now because of my actions.
I don't approve of what I did that day. The whole situation could have been turned around if she had slammed on her brakes and I hit her. The police would have been involved and I would have been at fault. I would have fought it, but I would have been in the wrong. After thinking about it, I remembered that there are plenty of stupid people out there. That whole day, I hadn't used the middle finger at all. I have been better about it, not that I ever really use that finger in that manor. New Hampshire is supposed to be a courteous state! So much for that!
It's always the people causing the problem who are the first to blame others. Please don't let it get to you like it did, as you realize, it could have gotten worse. My strategy is to heartily laugh and wave at them, which gets them REALLY angry!
I hadn't mentioned it, but I did wave once to the women and boy-friend. More middle fingers!
we all have days where it seems like the world is out to get us. i suggest you go letterboxing to relieve the stress!!
I get so angry with people sometimes when I'm driving. I started making a point of pulling over whenever possible if I'm getting tailgated or whatnot and just letting those people go by and live their angry, pathetic lives. Sure, there's a part of you that will feel like "but then they won!" but then just remind yourself, driving is NOT a game, it is a life or death matter sometimes. :) -gollygee
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